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Friday, March 7, 2008
oOLLivViaaaaaaa posted at 6:44 AM | 0 Noticed Me

i really miss you alot alot..
though i tried not to but guess it didnt help.
i dont know who else i can look for when im troubled,
or who would understand how im feeling..
its rather irritating to get upset over something trivial so many times,
more irritating for someone to listen to it the same amount of time.
but you never seem to be so...
i want to hear your voice.
remember, you're the only one which can calm me down.
theres one night left,
by why does it seem like a year instead..
counting down every now and then..
oOLLivViaaaaaaa posted at 5:55 AM | 0 Noticed Me

hahas. here comes the rare guest!
cause im realli.... "lonely, i am so lonely..."
my two boyfriends went to racky places and the crazy women went to US.
(acc to yanjun, xiaobai and teh =X)
think she's gonna bomb them bahs. cheng... pls wake up!!

love them man!
why ZiYun and ZeYu both is ZY but ZEYU rocks more =//
(ziyun's so gonna kill me)
had some crazy days of laughing wif teh, linglong, lovesick one and xiaobai.
oh, not forgetting gwendy and her mr sexy. tsk.
damn sexy! nose will bleed! hahas.

ohyeah! today was CROSS COUNTRY cum SPORTS CARNIVAL cum cum cum..
I GOT 11TH POSITION!!! ahhhh.
almost 10! but crazy sia, all chiong like free...
almost cannot make it lah..
she rocks too!!

and i wanna make an official announcement,
everyone was damn supportive lah can.
and special thanks to our all rounder, MATIIN!!!! yea. you rawk!
he is damn gentlemen! hahas.
this year 3/3 own lah can, be it results or class spirit.

and im roasted! omg. im seriously RED.

ohyeah, i finally finished the english essay.
my big masterpiece! see see see!

Sum and substance

Wrinkled face, drooping skin, with what seemed like only bones beneath, sitting on a sofa of smooth silk made him looked even more fragile and weak. Yes, he was weak. He was panting hardly, as if trying to take in all the air around him. He could not move his body freely and did not bother to. Two still glistening eyes set place on the ceiling above, the only sign of life seen on this old man.

Above the cold ceiling, images started to appear. His face was replaced with a warm smile, a smile he had lost for decades. He started to smile like a kid, a kid he once was.
The background was in green colour, a type of green which symbolizes youth, everlasting energy and joy. A small boy ran through the tall grass, chuckling and randomly turning back to check if his parents were catching up. The air was filled with the scent of love and warmth, enough to keep one warm during a cold winter. The boy cuddled in his parents big hands, the hands that would always be there for him.

The next moment, the boy grew into a tall and charming man. He was in a black suite bringing out his superior status amongst people. He dragged his feet through the cement pavement, it was narrow, cramp and dark. He arrived at a door which seemed so familiar- his home. There was an old couple. The two old ones' face lit up as they saw this rare guest appear at the door. Ignoring the couple's change of expression, he walked towards them with a malicious grin and eyes so cold. He made them sign a piece of paper written: “transfer of property”, using every way a human with moral value would never do. Leaving the two poor souls sobbing with shattered hearts, at the monster they have created.

The heart-wrenching scene was replaced with a solemn silence. The young and charming man before turned into an old man, limping from side to side in a grand office which once belonged to him. A tall and young man in front of him, with great resemblance, face filled with looks of disgust. He pushed away the man, to him like an obstacle, and left as if nothing had taken place.

Tears of remorse and guilt rolled down the man face as he stared at that ceiling, with mixtures of many emotions and thoughts. He finally knew why his life had to end this way, alone, with not even a soul to see him off. Retribution! What he had done to his own parents had happened to him.

Tired and unable to think anymore, he slowly closed his eyes shut, his breathe slowed down, calmly and peacefully, till it stopped.

Thursday, February 28, 2008
oOLLivViaaaaaaa posted at 5:03 AM | 0 Noticed Me

how many years have i not been blogging?
yeah, ca1 i over. finally. but not the time to slack.
lost many precious marks due to those retarded mistakes.
many stuffs happened over these few days..
and i think theres some things i have to claify..

firstly, sorry to hilmie, prashan and amir, and many others who were affected one way or another. millions of sorry.
you may think im spastic, superficial bla bla so on and so forth.
but i just gotta let you guys knw that i DID NOT paoto.
i was just asking about sports carnival and she sad we cnt be excused cause we missed TWO trainings which was the maximum we could.
then i asked abt band concert and she said no.
she said even mc also try not to, so i just asked her what about prashan's mc.
and thats where she knew that prashan didnt go training cos he was sick.
and i didnt know that prashan did not tell her.
she was super angry and wanted to see him. i was only supposed to inform him.
after i got news, i even went up to some of you to tell you.
its not that im saying behind your back right?
was it a mistake? was miss sham not suppose to know?
nobody told me that. of cos i didnt mean it was right either.
but i am just wondering how am i suppose to be right?

am i suppose to be responsible for all these that happened?
am i the cause of it? if i am, seriously pls tell me.
dont write ur name i dun care, just let me know can?
i dont wanna stay in a unit like that.
you guys are the reason why im still in npcc.
so tell me. pls.

Saturday, December 22, 2007
oOLLivViaaaaaaa posted at 1:52 AM | 0 Noticed Me

HALLO PEOPLE! im finally back from malaysia!!
you all must have missed me alot =XX
let me update what i've been doing. hees.
day 1

went GENTING!! took a bus up..
damn tiring can. woke up at like 3+? rahh.
sat for like 7hours on the bus..
i seriously admire the driver lor...
the route up to genting is like freaking steep and the turns are all quite sharp.
sit until damn scared lah. =XX
but still arrived safely (the~) damn cold! its like 15 degrees celcius..

met up with LAOSHI!! hahas. first time in travelling with laoshi.
damn fun lah. everyone know how crappy he can get o.0
and i can see that zidane(his son) has inherited his genes.
act cool-
got so cold?
hahas. another one.
zidane saw this pic on a pole near a ride, and this is what he said.
"daddy! you see! wanna go toilet must go up or go down. so funny."
lame right?
actually wanted to go outdoor theme park de.. what a waste.
look at the freaking weather..
. outdoor theme park.
outside my hotel room window.
damn foggy, so i guess it was for safety. wasted.
its damn cold there lah. and didnt brimng any form of cold wear.
the warmest i have is cardigan? hahas.
my mum said not cold at all, so didnt prepare o.0
zidane got this damn cute muffler lah. i went to cope and took pic.
hahas. me and my zilian nature xPP
at the third night, it was the grand final for 'BE A STAR' singing competition.
which was the main reason we were there for.
candy and andy are both in the finals. i think thats a super big accomplishment lah.
there are people from china, malaysia and singapore, and they actually managed to make it to top 22.
thats very power okay.
the competitors are all damn good lah.
candy and andy did damn well. andy's dance is nth to say de lor.
candy improved damn alot..
but the results were a little out..
candy and andy were supposed to be in top 7 but end up none.
instead andy got a best performer =.=
kelong ah!! expected lah. nevermind.
some pics:
my room -.-
me and zidane
saw this at a gift shop. isnt that just so true =XX
after genting, my family set off for alorstar, at the borders of malaysia.
one of my relatives getting married. so laoshi left for singapore first.
always thought we going penang, but wrong!
alor star is quite a peaceful place.. the life there is quite slow paced.
no signs of stress one.. they can afford to entertain us the whole day sia.
but not much entertainment...
the people there are damn friendly..
got damn freaking fat... every meal damn fantastic lah.
their food damn nice, eat damn alot..
ahhh. can die lor.
everything was peaceful EXCEPT for that few freaking annoying aunties.
now i see the another face of humans. the ugly side.
politics can actually exist between siblings..
they totally lost my respect for them. tsk. disgusted.
somehow, i cant stand seeing my sis get bullied by others though im nt close to her.
nevermind. rahh. heck.
like what my mum said, its time to learn how to learn how to tolerate..
thats damn hard for me. o.0
still learning. lazy to update liao.
some pics of alorstar...
my... niece? cute!
toilet. o.0
more chickens -.-
another chicken x]
hahas. sayonara!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
oOLLivViaaaaaaa posted at 8:47 PM | 0 Noticed Me

good morning. okay.. afternoon.
one day before i leave for malaysia "truly asia". xDD

but he left before me >.<
just left bah, just took off also.
bon voyage x))
so gonna miss you, mydear
5hours of talk is so not enough can..
already starting to miss you. ahh.
i siao le.

cheng, its my turn now =.=
hope he returns safelyy.
just another 10 days.. jyjy.
oOLLivViaaaaaaa posted at 6:54 AM | 0 Noticed Me

hallo people!
thanks xiaodidi for the comment. wahahahahs.
let me blog from yesterday bahs. xDD

yesterday went for hiphop!
and... Clare never go, so.... BOB TOOK OVER!
hahas. bob damn cute lah, like to see him dance..
his style is nice but looks wierd.
found out that his body isolation damn good lah.
his head and leg can move in diff directions at the same time. tsk.
yesterday was a little lyrical lah. not my forte =XX
but better compared to patrick's class.
still sweat damn alot though...
kena cheated by timothy!! end up spending $6.90 on subway T.T
i no money liao sia....

today... ehhh. nothing much lah.
bored then went out with mum to pick sis.
hmm. sounds boring too. err..
wanted to go shopping de!!! but...
hais. nevermind.
but somethign good!!
i managed to control my temper xDD

dear going to china le!! T.T
im so gonna miss you lahh. it will be damn torturous can.
always like that de. u leave earlier come back later...
x(( must take care.. hahas.

Monday, December 10, 2007
oOLLivViaaaaaaa posted at 7:03 AM | 0 Noticed Me

WOOHOOO!~ finally blogger is working in my internet explorern XDD
wahahahahahs. okay. hyper liao =XX

today cheng and junhao came!
poorr cheng so lonely.. next will be me? =XX
hahas. u know i know. wahahahahas.
cheng's com was down. created some 'poem' which sent us laughing like free.
all started with his uncle, a technician, which will help fix her com..
inside joke lah.
went spamming snickers blog. hope cheng dont delete my taggs.
maybe she will, cos theres only THREE names.
and after MINE IS GONE, TWO is left. got it?
now i seriously think my dog love guys, BUT not gay!
hahas. meowmeow(my dog) pee-ed on junhao's leg!!!!
wahahahahahahhas. cause... you should know huh.

after that went for JAZZ CLASS!
samantha didnt come cause she got workshop, so another lady took over.
she was nice too! but the warm up abit de torture lah.
stll not as hiong as samantha's one.
now my leg like tearing can. she made up split ( i cant so just go as muchas u can)
then reach forward. normally i cant go that low, last week was lyk low enough, like 5cm more?
this week MY NOSE TOUCH THE FLOOR!! goodness. but after that.. oooooooh.
think im getting more flexible xDD
whats good is that she teach more spins. learnt quite alot, maybe cause warmup shorter.
samantha's warmup is killer man! but still rawks!
today abit the giddy lah. did spins none stop.
woo! did alot stupid action, damn funny. I LOVE JAZZ!!
im so gonna work hard! yeah!
its freakin cool can. saw some scholars today...
they were wearing their team shirt. infront got 'PERFORMER'.
damn seh can.. i also want!!
but need 3 more years cause must at leats 17 years old x((
but nevermind! i shall make use of this 3 years to improve my dance!
yay!! the scholars must every week must attend at least 8hr of dance class.
thats damn nice can. what dance also can learn.. woah.

tomorrow going for HIPHOP! yay!
i change to clare's class le. think better for me bahs.
wahahahahahs. so gonna sweat it out!